
All experts waiting to help you

Meet our exhibitors

There will be a whole range of exhibitors at Prowood, with expertise in automation and handling, drying equipment, fastening systems, packaging, etc.

Beck has been one of the leading companies in the fastening technology for around 80 years. 

RAS (Robotics - Automation - Software)RAS are a young and enthousiastic Team of software- and IT-specialists. As a neutral party we give you advice and support in all software-, IT- and automation-rel...

Re-sound ontwikkelt, produceert en installeert akoestische producten om kantoren, horecazaken en eventlocaties te optimaliseren.   ...

Rectavit is een Belgische fabrikant van lijmen, voegkitten, PU-schuimen en andere afwerkings- en onderhoudsproducten. Dankzij een sterke toewijding aan innovatie wordt het assortiment continue afgeste...

Interntionale fabrikant van polymeren met de nadruk op binnenhuisarchitectuur. Vooral kantenbandmaterialen, oppervlakken en rolluiksystemen. ...

Retro- Wood is de specialist in verouderd hout producten, elke plank is uniek in zijn veroudering waardoor er bijzondere en in zijn geheel authentieke interieurs mee worden gemaakt. ...

Robaco, supplier to the woodworking sector for more than 50 years. Robaco distributes high-quality products such as adhesives, edgebands, cutting tools, abrasive materials, dowels, and gluing accessor...

Robland, wereldwijd bekend fabrikant van houtbewerkingsmachines heeft zich in zéér korte tijd bekend gemaakt bij professionele houtbewerkers. Robland die kan bogen op een reputatie van kwaliteit aan g...

The expert in the sale, delivery, installation and maintenance of all classic and CNC machines, as well as in global projects in the field of wood, alu and pvc, advanced materials, finishing and dust ...

Rothoblaas, a global company from the Italian Alps, is a leading creator of high technology solutions for the heavy and mass timber, energy efficient, net zero and other better building practice secto...

Rubio Monocoat is the reference for high-quality and environmentally friendly wood preservation products. It offers products for both indoor and outdoor wood and a wide choice of colours. Moreover, th...

We are a manufacturer of hydraulic briquetting systems, based in Germany. We will exhibit together with our Danish subsidary CF Nielsen ...