the meeting point for the wood-working industry in Belgium


20 until 24 October 2024
Flanders Expo - Gent
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Stay up to date with the latest news on Prowood as well as the newest trends from our exhibitors. This section is updated frequently so don't miss out and be sure to check it regularly.

International Fairs and similar "organisations" are trying to take money out of your pockets by trying to include you in a fake fair catalogue. The le...

12/24/2022 - 08:51
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Meet our exhibitors

There will be a whole range of exhibitors at Prowood, with expertise in automation and handling, drying equipment, fastening systems, packaging, etc.

Procuctie van HempWood, het eerste plantaardige, carbon-negatieve alternatief voor hout, gemaakt uit industriële hennep     ...

Le Forest Stewardship Council (FSC®) est une organisation internationale à but non lucratif qui a été créée en 1993 par des propriétaires forestiers, des entreprises du secteur du bois et du papier, d...

Nous sommes spécialisé dans la vente et le service-après-vente des machines d'entretien, des balayeuses, des autolaveuses, des aspirateurs industriels, des aspiratreurs eau-poussières, des installatio...

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Order your free tickets

Access to the fair is free but a personal ticket is required. To avoid long waiting queues it's best to order you tickets in advance. Your tickets will be sent to you by e-mail and with those you can go straight to the entrance.

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Our partners are renowned professional magazines within the industry.
They follow news and current affairs closely.